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Portal Stories: VR builds on the foundations of the award winning Portal 2 modification Portal Stories: Mel. Portal Stories: VR is a brand new mini story set in the Portal Universe. It features 10 brand new puzzles, specifically designed to work using the 360 degrees room scale that SteamVR offers. 油土鳖Portal Stories The official playthrough of the map in question. steam链接317400 评测节选自Dolphin:它的难度比portal系列整体都难了很多,尤其是现代光圈部分。 Like Portal 2, Portal Stories: Mel is a puzzle-platform game played from the first-person perspective as the player-character Mel. Shortly into the game's story, the player acquires a prototype version of a portal gun, which allows the player to create a connected opening on two different flat surfaces. [终于完结了]《Portal Stories Mel》攻略解说 完结期 Full Walkthrough of Portal Stories: Mel - Story Mode in a single video, full 1080p HD, Max Graphics and No Deaths.For ADVANCED MODE click here https://yout Rivals of Ixalan Magic Story Alternate Endings. The Sun Empire claimed control of Orazca, but you can still dream about what the other factions would have done with the golden city. By R&D Narrative Team 【下载】 (仅推荐用正统的BT软件下载BT种子;迅雷是典型的不正统的BT软件;如果你能看懂绿色的这句话“解压失败时用µTorrent下载种子对已有的压缩包进行完整性校验即可补全文件”则可以下载网盘资源) 下载站 BT种子/附件:Portal.Stories.Mel-RAS.torrent 百度网盘
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Portal Stories: Mel — Википедия
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Portal Stories: Mel в Steam
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